About the Journal

The journal "Critical Patient" – Scientific Journal of the Portuguese Society of Critical Care Nurses, is an editorial project, owned by the Portuguese Society of Critical Care Nurses (SPEDC).
It is a magazine that is independent of political power, ideological power, economic power and any other pressure groups, identifying itself with the values ​​of a pluralist democracy, guided by criteria of rigor, impartiality and inclusion.
Prioritizes publications in the field of Critical Patients, from nursing care in the Pre-Hospital environment to the In-Hospital environment, as long as the contributions are considered relevant to scientific knowledge.
It aims to be SPEDC's privileged means of promoting and disseminating reflection, research and the most recent scientific evidence in the field of Critical Illness, seeking to foster the exchange of ideas and knowledge among nurses.
Its purpose is to contribute to greater health literacy, promoting the affirmation and prestige of the professional and scientific identity of the Critically Ill Nurse, in all its aspects of intervention, promoting excellent scientific research.